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The UTP for 2022-23 is now available.
What is the Air Cadet program?
The Air Cadet program is a non-profit program, delivered in partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces which allows youth to thrive and experience valuable life and work skills such as teamwork, leadership and global citizenship. It is all about improving the lives of cadets and others who come after. To learn, to serve and to advance.
The Air Cadet program is very active in communities and often partakes in volunteer work, ceremonies of remembrance, charity, food, poppy, and clothes drives.
On a weekly basis during the training year Air Cadets meet on zoom to host Parade night. The Air cadets go to e-classes for training, activities/challenges in sub programs inside of Air Cadets.
The Air Cadet program from the 249 Air Cadet Squadron will create memorable experiences with the optional educational programs that teach skills and info to young minds. The Effective Speaking program is effective in teaching cadets how to use their minds and words to captivate you. This program helps cadets learn how to speak in large groups with hand movements, gestures and effective strategies to keep your attention and your interest.
The Air Cadet program from the 249 Air Cadet squadron offers a junior Ground school class and a senior Ground school class. Each class focuses various topics involving the beginnings and advancements of flight, air conditions, laws or regulations, engineering and other info. By taking the Ground school classes cadets can learn many things that can open multiple career opportunities in the future.